API Documentation

AIOKafkaProducer class

AIOKafkaConsumer class



SSL Authentication

Security is not an easy thing, at least when you want to do it right. Before diving in on how to setup aiokafka to work with SSL, make sure there is a need for SSL Authentication and go through the official documentation for SSL support in Kafka itself.

aiokafka provides only ssl_context as a parameter for Consumer and Producer classes. This is done intentionally, as it is recommended that you read through the python ssl documentation to have some understanding on the topic. Although if you know what you are doing, there is a simple helper function `aiokafka.helpers.create_ssl_context`_, that will create an ssl.SSLContext based on similar params to kafka-python.

A few notes on Kafka’s SSL store types. Java uses JKS store type, that contains normal certificates, same as ones OpenSSL (and Python, as it’s based on OpenSSL) uses, but encodes them into a single, encrypted file, protected by another password. Just look the internet on how to extract CARoot, Certificate and Key from JKS store.

See also the Using SSL with aiokafka example.

SASL Authentication

As of version 0.5.1 aiokafka supports SASL authentication using both PLAIN and GSSAPI sasl methods. Be sure to install gssapi python module to use GSSAPI. Please consult the official documentation for setup instructions on Broker side. Client configuration is pretty much the same as JAVA’s, consult the sasl_* options in Consumer and Producer API Reference for more details.

Error handling

Both consumer and producer can raise exceptions that inherit from the aiokafka.errors.KafkaError class.

Exception handling example:

from aiokafka.errors import KafkaError, KafkaTimeoutError
# ...
    send_future = await producer.send('foobar', b'test data')
    response = await send_future  #  wait until message is produced
except KafkaTimeoutError:
    print("produce timeout... maybe we want to resend data again?")
except KafkaError as err:
    print("some kafka error on produce: {}".format(err))

Consumer errors

Consumer’s async for and getone/getmany interfaces will handle those differently. Possible consumer errors include:

  • TopicAuthorizationFailedError - topic requires authorization. Always raised

  • OffsetOutOfRangeError - if you don’t specify auto_offset_reset policy and started cosumption from not valid offset. Always raised

  • RecordTooLargeError - broker has a MessageSet larger than max_partition_fetch_bytes. async for - log error, get* will raise it.

  • InvalidMessageError - CRC check on MessageSet failed due to connection failure or bug. Always raised. Changed in version 0.5.0, before we ignored this error in async for.